SURGICEL® Absorbable Hemostat is an absorbable knitted fabric prepared by the controlled oxidation
of regenerated cellulose. The fabric is white with a pale yellow cast and has a faint, caramel-like aroma.
It is strong and can be sutured or cut without fraying. It is stable and can be stored at controlled room
temperature. A slight discoloration may occur with age, but this does not affect performance. The
SURGICEL® FIBRILLAR™ form of the product allows the physician to grasp with forceps any amount of
SURGICEL® FIBRILLAR™ Hemostat needed to achieve hemostasis at a particular bleeding site. The fibrillar
form may be more convenient than the knitted form for hard to reach or irregularly shaped bleeding sites.
Although it is easy to pull the desired amount of SURGICEL® FIBRILLAR™ Hemostat from the entire supply,
the group of selected fibers continue to cohere to one another and application to the bleeding site is easily
controlled. Unwanted dispersal over the operative site does not occur.
The mechanism of action whereby SURGICEL® Absorbable Hemostat accelerates clotting is not completely
understood but it appears to be a physical effect rather than any alteration of the normal physiologic
clotting mechanism. After SURGICEL® Absorbable Hemostat has been saturated with blood, it swells into a
brownish or black gelatinous mass which aids in the formation of a clot, thereby serving as a hemostatic
adjunct in the control of local hemorrhage. When used properly in minimal amounts, SURGICEL®
Absorbable Hemostat is absorbed from the sites of implantation with practically no tissue reaction.
Absorption depends upon several factors, including the amount used, degree of saturation with blood, and
the tissue bed.
SURGICEL® Absorbable Hemostat (oxidized regenerated cellulose) is indicated for adjunctive use to assist
in the control of bleeding in exodontia and oral surgery. It may also be used to help achieve hemostasis
after single or multiple tooth extractions, alveoloplasty, gingival hemorrhage, impactions, biopsies, and other
procedures in the oral cavity
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